Mettet Welcome – drop by and say hello.

Mettet Lets dance – a high speed dance around Mettet.

Mettet Racing to the flag.

Mettet First Lady – an historic podium top spot.

Hell All hell breaks loose.

Hell This way guys.

Hell Floating between heaven and hell.

Hell Happy 150th. Valvoline.

Holjes Flying home.

Holjes Home crowd pleaser.

Holjes No stick in the mud.

Holjes There is no podium like a home podium.

Riga Chasing down the points in front of a full house.

Riga Waving to the fans.

Riga Latvian leap.

Riga M&M’s soaking up the sun.

Buxtehude Another good start to the day.

Buxtehude Life in the fast lane, downhill at 180kph.

Buxtehude Poetry in motion.

Buxtehude Job done – Vice Champion 2016.